Monday, July 16, 2012

The Table

This is our playroom table.

As I was watching the boys battle Beyblades on that table tonight, I was (admittedly strangely) reminiscing about it.

We bought that table about 9 years ago at Target, just after Mom-E and I were married. I don't think we paid more than $60 for it.

When Mom-E was started on bedrest while pregnant with Big Brother, she came home from the hospital on Thanksgiving Day. We had originally planned to travel to Gramm-E and Grampap's that year, so we had absolutely nothing prepared. While Mom-E chilled on the couch, I went down the street to the grocery store and "made" a feast of rotisserie chicken, sweet potato casserole, bread, sparkling grape juice, and some kind of chocolate dessert. We proceeded to enjoy a very memorable Thanksgiving feast on that table.

We have propped up our feet on that table and laughed together over countless movies. And fallen asleep on occasion, only to wake up at 2am and exclaim, "What just happened!"

Mom-E and I have played many games of cards on it. (Which one of us has won more games depends on who you ask. :)

And now, our boys use the table as their breakfast tray. They sit on the couch (the same one Mom-E chilled on during bedrest), legs crossed, and have their breakfast while watching morning cartoons.

(And Pupp-E has snagged countless Eggo waffles from that table.)

All of the boys, Bab-E Brother most notably, also love to climb on the table, stand on it, and jump over to the couch. "NO! Stop doing that!"

We've spent countless hours with the boys playing board games, building Legos and Thomas tracks, and playing with other toys.

Yep, that table sure has a lot of miles on it. And it shows (just not so much in the picture). But it's full of memories, nonetheless.

Have a good week,

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