Friday, February 6, 2009

The Adventures of Chuck

It's time to welcome Chuck to the Busy-Dad-E family!

Chuck is, of course, Big Brother's newly-forming (literally) imaginary friend. Big Brother has always had a pretty good imagination, but things have been taking off as of late. As Big Brother's understanding of human interaction and the human condition increases--we've been talking a fair amount lately about the new daycare situation, babies, being a good big brother, and death (we're reading a children's book about George Washington that includes his death, not to mention deaths in just about every Disney story we read)--we think that Chuck may be with us for awhile.

And so, we don't know yet whether Chuck is Big, Little, Medium-sized, or just plain Busy. In fact, the details on Chuck change as fast as the fickle mind that created him. That said, we love to ask Big Brother questions about Chuck, to which he fires off rapid responses like he's know him forever.

Let me give you what details we do have:
-Chuck started out as a "code-word" for going to the new daycare, and then it meant the color yellow.
-Now, Chuck has the ability to morph his physical form--sometimes he's a boy, but other times he's a baby in a Mom-E's belly, and he can go back-and-forth easily. As best as we can tell, he's a boy about Big Brother's age.
-Chuck lives in the "other" "City, State" where we live. That is, Big Brother says he lives in a City, State with the same name as ours, but it's the "other" one (maybe a parallel dimension?)
-Chuck's Dad-E's name is Joe and his Mom-E's name is Henry(?). Apparently Joe does "statistician-work." Don't ask where he came up with that. My sister-in-law informed the family at age 5 she was going to be a palentologist (no one knew she'd ever heard of paleontology).
-Big brother and Chuck love to go to the "Jumping Place" (which is a real place).

Stay tuned for Chuck's next adventure. I can't wait to see how this is going to evolve.

Have a good weekend,

P.S. You'll notice the new label "Family members." More details to come in a future post.

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1 comment:

  1. I liked dinosaurs...:)

    It's interesting how kids come up with these elaborate stories. You should start video taping him telling you about it!
