Monday, December 21, 2009

Mr. Sensitivity

I hope that everyone got through the weekend without needing to use any raisins as a nasal decongestant.

Over here, we're enjoying the whole family being on Christmas vacation (except that Mom-E has to work one half-day this week).

Uh, Mom-E, I think it's time for you to come down with one of those *ahem, ahem* 24-viruses. I'm sure you're boss wouldn't want you to *aheam, ahem* work while you're sick.

(Or you can pull Rachel's "Did you just offer to buy my baby" bit in exchange for some early vacation).

I started my vacation by organizing an impromptu "dress-rehearsal" of Christmas Day. You know, where Little Brother gets up at 5:45 and has interest in going back to bed.

Fortunately, Big Brother was sensitive enough to "sleep-in" until 6:45 before deciding that he was up for the day.

But that's just Big Brother's nature.

Seriously, when he's not giving Little Brother a royal smackdown, Big Brother is a really sensitive guy.

In particular, Mom-E and I have been struck by his curiosity and empathy towards people with developmental disabilities.

A few weeks ago, we were watching a news clip about a teenager with a very rare chromosomal disorder that caused remarkably accelerated growth. The boy had a tremendous amount of physical problems due to his extreme growth, but was able to play football despite his limitations.

Man, did we have to watch that clip a few (hundred) times.

Recently, there was a story in the local news about a boy with severe impairments since birth.

I hadn't even said anything about the story in the paper. Big Brother just saw the picture and said, "what's the matter with him?" It's interesting that he was able to tell from just the picture that there was something "different."

And his questions, oh the detailed questions. "Why can't he walk? Why can't he talk? Does he go to school? Does he have friends? Is he a nice guy? What does he like to do? What happened to him? I can walk and talk."

And none of our discussion is filled with anything negative or judgmental. Rather, it's filled with genuine concern and compassion, that someone else can't do some of the things he can.

I've said it before, but children are definitely inherently without prejudice, which is "taught."

Thank you, Big Brother, for your genuine sensitivity towards others. May you continue to cultivate this quality throughout your life.

Have a Merry Christmas week,


  1. So sweet! THanks for sharing this. ALso, thanks for bringing in the friends reference....those good ol' friends always make me laugh! love, aunt-e

  2. You are right...children don't know bias or prejudice and always seem to show such pure generosity and love for everyone. If children ran the world everyone would be friends along with a few tantrums of sharing here and there. LOL! Have a great week and an early Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. Rosi

  3. He sounds like a very sweet boy. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You are absolutely right, prejudice is taught. Hope they aren't "practicing" for Christmas morning all week!
