Friday, May 13, 2011

Piano Recital

Dear Big Brother,

On Mother's Day, we celebrated not only the many wonderful things about Mom-E, but also your first piano recital.

And this was truly a celebration, given the rather tepid start to your piano-playing career.

You were both a little excited and nervous about this performance, although it helped that you had an opportunity for a "dry run" at your teacher's house the day before.

Apparently, at least one of the students had come down sick on Saturday, and would not be performing.

You considered feigning illness as an option, but 15 minutes after a small infusion of Tylenol, you were up & running around the house.

We were thankful that Gramm-E, Grampap-E, and CY Aunt-E were able to attend the recital.

We were also thankful that only 12 students were performing short pieces, and the recital lasted only 30 minutes--owing to the short attention spans and potential for noise from Little Brother and Bab-E Brother.

But the most exciting thing for me was that at the encouragement of your teacher, I got to play the accompaniment part of your pieces. (I minored in piano in college.)

The performance went very well (after I noticed your hands were on the wrong keys--thankfully before we started--and got you to readjust your position).

You displayed a lot of poise, and captured many smiles from the audience, being the youngest performer in the recital.

Granted I'm biased, but I thought you sounded great.

Wonderful job, big guy. I'm so proud of you.

I'm looking forward to many more performances (and hopefully some as your partner), and sharing the joy of piano and music with you for years to come.

But hold that thought, because Mom-E has to take Bab-E Brother outside so that his screams don't drown out the other performers in the recital, and Little Brother has to pee.


1 comment:

  1. Big Brother's piano performance was superb and not just saying that because I'm his Gramm-E!
